Saturday, January 24, 2015

Project Blue Shrimps

An update of my recent hatch of these shrimplets which I believe they are BR tiger shrimps with silver eyes. Let me tell ya, they are so gorgeous with their deep dark blue color. It's obviously one of my favorites shrimps.

Unlike many, the thing is I Never bought any pure blue royal shrimps, then tried to keep and breed them from there. I went to another direction of development, for sure they were born and raised locally. I'll let you figure it out how... :)

So far everyone are healthy, still young. Their blue color will get darker when they'll reach to adults. I take really good care just like any others of my local shrimps, will build a solid colony of them.

I learned they are sensitive, picky enough in term of food, shy shrimps and grow pretty slow. IMO it ain't an easy shrimp to keep especially for beginners. :)

1 comment:

  1. Just B E A U T I F U L!!! I love the job with your shrimps!!! 😍 😍 😍
    Franchement chapeau!!!
