Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Shrimp Foods Review: Shirakura Ebi Dama Soft vs Dennerle Shrimp King Complete

Hello Shrimps Fans,

Today I will compare two Premium types of shrimp foods. Both contains 100% natural ingredients, no artificial and low quality.

Let's start with the Japanese brand Shirakura Ebi Dama Soft. I trust this food many years now, it's actually the main food and I usually give them at least twice a week. Shirakura Ebi Dama has been in market for very long time in Japan.

The Shirakura Ebi Dama Soft pads are larger and softer than the original Ebi Dama, I always break into half and feed them once a day. I keep the other half later, never waste it. In my experience a package of Shirakura 80g could last for more than 10 months to a year if you carefully use it.

My Crystal Red shrimps (local breeding) just grazing around this food like nuts, none stop killing machine! LoL! They love it. Usually they finish half of pad within 2-3 hours.

Once I add this food in the water and it sinks down for a couple minutes, it doesn't break and doesn't make a big mess in my tank unlike a few others cheapo, crappy brands. What is interesting to know, this food keeps fresh and hard shape even if the shrimps don't finish eating it. But remember, you have to figure it out the amount of food for the population of shrimps you have.

Here's another quick shot of them, enjoying Shirakura food. I drop one small pad and my Red Tiger shrimps (local breeding) are going crazy over this food, they're getting on the top of it in few of seconds. It's kinda Cool to watch them... :)

Next it's Dennerle Shrimp King Complete, another premium food brand but it's from Germany. Dennerle is well known German Company, the largest European supplier. They sell many food products, aquatic plants and equipments for aquarium.

I started using it about 6 months now. It's actually my second alternative food. My shrimps like it too, especially my Red Tiger, Taiwan Bees and CRS, they finish until the last piece of it. Just like the first brand mentioned, this pad doesn't break easily after sinking down at bottom. However what is interesting about this Dennerle pad, it will swell a bit bigger from its original size. Another thing to consider when the pad is in water for hours, it won't stay as hard as Shirakura pad which I think it could pollute a little your water.

If I compare to Shirakura to Dennerle pads are actually smaller, darker and softer. Here are a picture I took of both pads beside. You can see the difference right the way.

Bottom line, these are two Excellent food brands. I personally use both and highly recommend them. Dennerle might be softer but the choice is yours.

I hope this review will help most of Beginners of this hobby out there to get a better idea which brand to buy. Keep in mind this is my personal review as shrimp breeder/keeper and remember rotate your feeding, don't just give same food to your shrimps every time. They will get bored of eating same stuffs over and over again... 

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